Major Depression

Major depression is a serious medical illness affecting more than 14 million American adults every year. Often a debilitating disorder, depression results in a persistent state of sadness that interferes with an individual’s thoughts, behavior, mood, and physical health.

When therapy and medication are found to be ineffective, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) offers a viable solution in the treatment of depression. Due to their feelings of lethargy, decreased self-esteem, or feelings of guilt, people suffering from depression often have trouble getting the treatment they need. Furthermore, they are reluctant to use their time and resources on a condition they think they should be able to “pull themselves out of” without professional help. By receiving TMS treatments you are getting the help that you or a loved one needs which is the most effective way to reverse the negative impact of depression.

The Problems with Depression

Depression takes a toll, not only on your mood, but can also affect your social and work life. A person experiencing symptoms of major depression may not have the ability to work, causing financial strain as well. This financial impact can be hard to recover from and sometimes takes longer to resolve than the condition itself. While earning potential may still be there after your recovery, the months and years of time living with depression are priceless and irreplaceable. Finding a reliable treatment is crucial to minimizing these secondary effects caused by depression.

When Traditional Treatments Don’t Work

Therapy and medication are usually the most accessible form of treatment for people living with depression. However, this traditional route is not applicable or effective for everyone. Issues with medication include negative side effects such as: sexual problems, weight gain, and emotional blunting. Patients easily stop taking these medications when the unwanted side effects become noticeable. An estimated 15 percent of patients are non-responders to conventional psychopharmacology. TMS is a new alternative treatment for depression patients that have not responded therapy and/or medications.

Ready to take control of your mental health and well-being?

Schedule an appointment with our office today to experience the transformative benefits of TMS Therapy and personalized psychiatric services.